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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas in Kiasu-land

I told you I'd come back.


I even brought pictures back *giggles*

Quant and I had decided to go away for Christmas. Last minute. So there was a mad rush in getting train tickets and booking the hotel. But all was well.

Behold, my grand escapade to Kiasu-land.

I would've really liked this picture except that there's this kelefeh in the background who couldn't really stand our camwhoring skills. Our seats were just...boards. Ick.

Moments before arriving at the Woodlands Checkpoint. I look really happy here you see. But I haven't slept at all.

While waiting for about a million other people to get past the checkpoint. I put on my Heidi/ Santarina hat, much to the envy of a couple of pre-school kids.

Toufoo marinated in garbage juice. Ha ha. It didn't taste as bad as it stank, actually. I had a couple of pieces and I'm still walking.

There was a time when we lived 10 minutes away from each other. It was good to see him in Singapore.

When we were all still dewy fresh and snap-happy along the stretch of Orchard Road on Christmas Eve.

Quant had a cuter hat which she paraded around Orchard in. Too bad it got ruined that night.

It looks like our tongues are touching. Eww.

Even guys look good with cute hats. Ha ha.

It snowed in Orchard minutes before midnight struck. It really did. I swear.

I *heart* this picture. All dishevelled and covered in mock-snow. Still snap-happy.

The evil Malaysian in me had traipsed all the way to Singapore to show them what vandalism is.

I was walking really slowly. Slower. Slower. Until I refused to walk. Completely. So I asked for a piggyback ride. And I got a ride home. Yay~

I was here the next day after meeting up with my aunt for lunch. My aunt says most Filipino maids are here on Sundays. Plus, it's Christmas. The graffitti isn't there anymore. Dang.

I think these guys were cool. They were making layan music. Look how unaffected they are by the hustle and bustle in the subway on Christmas Day.

Outside in the streets, there were carollers. And there was this other guy, some lead singer something. He was horrible.

I just had to do the touristy thing. See, I was there.

We did the touristy thing and went to the Night Safari. We were afraid. So afraid.

Posing maut is good. Posing maut is very good.

The evil Malaysian in me strikes again. Show them Singaporeans how to break away from monotony. Hah.

Elephants stink. They do.

We saw the real hyenas but they weren't laughing. So we had to settle for the...um...fake ones.

*So malas to write. But at least I get to show off my pictures *cackles*


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