That's a question often posed to me. And it still manages to catch me offguard from time to time. I mean, look at it this way, after years of having people ask if I'm anorexic, I shouldn't be too surprised at the question anymore. But I am. Very surprised.
Funny, do I look the part? Are my cheeks gaunt and hollow and my skin a sickly yellowish tinge? Am I painfully thin to look at and my hair dull and mousy? Do my ribs stick out like a sore thumb?
I don't know. Perhaps someone out there would like to provide me with the answers before asking if I'm anorexic.
Me, I'm not all that proud to be thin. Blame it on my genes, blame it on my unhealthy lifestyle. You can even blame it on my high metabolic rate. Blame it on anything you want. But, please, do take a second out, be considerate, and spare me that question.
I'd like to answer questions with an open mind. All the time. However, to come out with a blatant question like "Are you anorexic?" is just being plain rude. Yes. Very rude, indeed.
Of course, it'd make a world of difference if I was actually suffering from anorexia. I might not have admitted it, though. But I bet everyone would be able to see through my denial and lies anyway. That's of course, if I was anorexic in the first place.
One half of the multi-millionaire Olsen twins, Mary-Kate, was recently admitted into rehab for an eating disorder. My first thought was, "Poor kid. Someone should've asked her that question instead of asking me." I mean, look at her. She's rich, she's beautiful, only 18 years of age, and a freaking multi-millionaire. Some people had simply dismissed her condition as being "attention-seeking". Now, how unfair can that be?
Back to me. I'm not that rich. I'm struggling to get more jobs to pay for fuel to feed my Little Monster. But hang on for a second.
Please. Take a good look at me. I'm happy. I'm healthy. I'm laughing. I'm just skinny. Do you have a problem with that? Are you obese? Do you have bad breath? What's that smell you have there under your armpits? Are those boobs fake?
Now do you see what I mean?
"Are you anorexic?"
"No. And screw you."