I've decided to compile a feel-good list. For fun. Really. So here's a list of stuff that makes/made me feel good.
- The way my whole body aches after a day's work.
- The way my niece smiles at me.
- Hearing from someone I haven't seen in a long time.
- My mum shoving glasses of disgusting juice down my throat.
- Giving way to a wailing ambulance during a massive jam.
- Helping a blind man find his way.
- Watching furry puppies fall asleep on my lap.
- Receiving nice SMSes.
- Bitching sessions.
- Walking out of weekend celebrations with light steps.
- Listening to a really nice song on the radio in a jam.
- Finding out someone out there has the exact same sentiments as you do about certain matters.
- Giving my grandmother an angpow for the first time.
- Getting something through snail mail.
- Waking up in time to watch the sun rise.
- Listening to the poofs of fireworks even though I can't see them.
- The way people smile when they say thank you.
- The fact that hugs are never one-way.
- Laughing over everything and nothing.
- The fact that the best things in life are always, always free.
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