She wants to go home
So, like, my week had been like this:
Monday: V Didit Productions (recce) Planet Films (prep)
Tuesday: Planet Films (prep)
Wednesday: Pegasus Films (casting) Film Stage (job closing) V Didit Productions (prep) Planet Films (meeting)
Thursday: V Didit Productions (shoot)
Friday: V Didit Productions (shoot)
Saturday: Planet Films (prep)
Sunday: Pick 'n' Roll Creations/Picture Creature (shoot)
And then next week would look something like this:
Monday: Planet Films (prep)
Tuesday: Planet Films (meeting)
Wednesday: V Didit (job closing) Planet Films (prep)
Thursday: Planet Films (prep)
Friday: Travelling to Lumut with Picture Creature (shoot)
Saturday: Lumut with Picture Creature (shoot)
Sunday: Lumut with Picture Creature (shoot)
I want to go home. Sleep. Hibernate. Die.
*rolls down 3 flights of stairs and dies*
chill man...
Anonymous, at 1:59 PM
I'm doing monkey work, Jon. So I get paid peanuts *slaps forehead*
Is chilling lah Mich.
Disco Ball Pixie, at 1:01 AM
Well.. i understand the dilemma your in.
Sometimes i wish... i never need to wake up early in the mornings...
wish i din need to work....
wish i din have any one depending on me...
wish i din have to pay bills...
sighhhhh...wat a long list of i dont wants...and its never ending!! >.<
so why do i do it? what do i tell myself tat would make these things seem less painful...less "I HAVE TO"??? argh...and all tat???
well...simply cause i "choose to"
it always starts with a choice. its never a I HAVE TO. there is always a choice. and the things we hate doing or wish we din have to face are in fact the best choices... at least at this time laaa...
cause if i didnt have a job, id have no income and if i dont have any income then i wont have any money...and if i dont have any money i wont be able to support a family..and if i cant support a family i will be a sad guy..if im feel lousy...if i feel feel hopeless and the list can go on and on and on... so why do i wake up in the morning to go to work?? cause i chooose to! as simple as tat...cause? its the best choice possible at this current time and place.
so think about all tat work u have...take a deep breath and tell ureself..."u choose to"
its surely not as easy as it sounds i know!!! but give this a try... psych urself... have some fun...
hahahahahaha XD
"TRY" 2 Rid of all that I Have Tos... (",)
Anonymous, at 5:59 PM
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